Holy Hiatus


I knew it had been quite some time since I had written a blog post. When I pulled up my blog tonight to share these thoughts with you, however, I blushed (like, freshman year of high school, ketchup red from head-to-toe blushed) when I realized it has been a year since I last wrote here. I’m asking you all to share with me in enjoying a big ‘ol slice of grace pie, however, because 2020 was a year unlike any other. What was I doing, you ask? Well…

In January, Frank and I learned that we were pregnant, and we spent February sharing the good news. In March, our world was turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic, and our entire lives shifted along with the rest of the humanity. In April we welcomed my nephew Kyler into the world, and our lives were filled with immensely more joy. In May we put an offer in on a house in Hettinger, and we spent June camping, fishing, frolfing, and eagerly awaiting the appraisal on our house. In July, at eight months pregnant, we moved into our new home and celebrated our little girl with friends and family near and far. August was spent anxiously preparing for our daughter’s arrival, and on September 5th we welcomed Josie Rue into the world. September and October I spent with Josie on maternity leave, and much of November we spent in and out of clinics and hospitals trying to figure out what was wrong with little miss Josie. A COVID-19 Christmas came and went in December and in what seems like the blink of an eye, another year has passed.

Growing up, I recall being told frequently that the older you get, the faster time flies. Assuming I was invincible and all-knowing, as most teenagers do, I never believed it. I’m twenty-six now, and the realization that my parents knew what they were talking about continues to shake me to the core. As vaccinations roll out, Josie’s health improves, and we stumble into 2021, however, I’m looking forward to committing myself once again documenting my thoughts and experiences on parenthood, rural living, and the chaotic world that surrounds me here. I hope you’ll come along with me for the journey.


Beyond What’s Next


Growth, Not Grief